Bikini Atoll

Bikini Atoll

- Project 4.1 was a medical study conducted by the United States of those residents of the Bikini Atoll exposed to radioactive fallout.With the test of the first U.S. hydrogen bomb, Ivy Mike, the island of Elugelab in the Enewetak atoll was destroyed.

Bikini Atoll

Web Site
 - Bikini Atoll - Marshall Islands - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Bikini Atoll - Marshall Islands - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Bikini Atoll Oceania
Bikini Atoll 2024
Scientists Study Ocean Life In Bikini Atoll’s Nuclear Detonation Site Forbes
For the Marshall Islands, Nuclear Remembrance Day Is a Painful Reminder United States Institute of Peace
Arden Trust Co. Sued In Del. Over Bikini Atoll Fund Depletion Law360
Nuclear Victims Remembrance Day – United States must comply with Marshall Islands demands for recognition and nuclear justice Greenpeace International