Civil War

Civil War

The police budget of the Solomon Islands has been strained due to a four-year civil war. Following Cyclone Zoe's strike on the islands of Tikopia and Anuta in December 2002, Australia had to provide the Solomon Islands government with 200,000 Solomon dollars ($50,000 Australian) for fuel and supplies for the patrol boat Lata to sail with relief supplies. (Part of the work of RAMSI includes assisting the Solomon Islands Government to stabilise its budget.)Equipment :

Civil War

Web Site
 - Civil War - Solomon Islands - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Civil War - Solomon Islands - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Civil War Oceania
Civil War 2024
'Tis Not Our War': Why Most Americans Dodged the Civil War Draft and Deserted the Union Army
US urges certain ‘negative actors’ not to fuel Sudan's civil war VOA Asia
Sudanese families describe their search for sanctuary as the brutal civil war rages on PBS NewsHour
Sudan needs an exceptional humanitarian endeavour to end its horrific civil war | Mukesh Kapila The Guardian