Commonwealth Nations

Commonwealth Nations

In 1990, the new Constitution institutionalised the ethnic Fijian domination of the political system. The Group Against Racial Discrimination (GARD) was formed to oppose the unilaterally imposed constitution and to restore the 1970 constitution. Sitiveni Rabuka, the Lieutenant Colonel who carried out the 1987 coup became Prime Minister in 1992, following elections held under the new constitution. Three years later, Rabuka established the Constitutional Review Commission, which in 1997 led to a new Constitution, which was supported by most leaders of the indigenous Fijian and Indo-Fijian communities. Fiji is re-admitted to the Commonwealth of Nations.

Commonwealth Nations

Web Site
en-us-Fiji.ogg Commonwealth Of Nations - Fiji - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Commonwealth Of Nations - Fiji - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Commonwealth Nations Oceania
Commonwealth Nations 2024
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