Micronesia Challenge

Micronesia Challenge

On November 5, 2005, President of Palau, Tommy E. Remengesau, Jr. took the lead on a regional environmental initiative called the Micronesia challenge, which would conserve 30% of near shore coastal waters and 20% of forest land by 2020. In addition to Palau, the initiative was joined by the Federated States of Micronesia and Marshall Islands, and the U.S. territories of Guam and Northern Mariana Islands. Together, this combined region represents nearly 5% of the marine area of the Pacific Ocean and 7% of its coastlines.On September 25, 2009, Palau announced that it would create the world's first "shark sanctuary".40 - Palau has banned all commercial shark fishing within its EEZ waters. The sanctuary protects about 600,000 square kilometres (230,000 sq mi) of ocean,41 - a similar size to the European country of France.42 - 43 - 44 - President Johnson Toribiong made the announcement at a meeting of the United Nations.42 - 45 - 46 - President Toribiong also requested a worldwide ban on fishing for sharks.42 - Saltwater crocodiles are also residents of Palau and occur in varying numbers throughout the various mangroves and even in parts of the beautiful rock islands. Although this species is generally considered extremely dangerous, there has only been one fatal human attack in Palau within modern history, and that was in the 1960s. In Palau the largest crocodile measured in at 4.5 metres (15 ft), which is large but considered an average size throughout much of this reptile's range (i.e. in Australia 6 metres (20 ft) individuals are not uncommon.

Micronesia Challenge

Web Site
 - Micronesia Challenge - Palau - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Micronesia Challenge - Palau - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Micronesia Challenge Oceania
Micronesia Challenge 2024