Niue Integrated Strategic Plan

Niue Integrated Strategic Plan

Niue's economy suffered from the devastating tropical Cyclone Heta on 4 January 2004. The Niue Integrated Strategic Plan - NISP) is the national development plan, setting national priorities for development. Cyclone Heta took away about two years from the implementation of the NISP, while national efforts concentrate on the recovery efforts. In 2008 Niue had yet to fully recover from the devastation of Cyclone Heta. In the area of trade, Niue is currently in the process of negotiating with other Pacific countries free trade agreements(FTA) PICTA Trade in Services (PICTA TIS), Economic Partnership Agreements with the European Union, and PACER Plus with Australia and New Zealand. The Office of the Chief Trade Adviser (OCTA) has already been set up to assist Niue and other Pacific countries in the negotiation of the PACER Plus. Niue uses the New Zealand dollar. Agriculture Agriculture is very important to the lifestyle of Niueans and the economy. Subsistence agriculture is very much part of Niue's agriculture, where nearly all the households have plantations of taro. Taro is a staple food, and the pink taro now dominant in the taro markets in New Zealand and Australia, is an intellectual property of Niue. This is one of the natural taro varieties on Niue, and has a strong resistance to pests. Tapioca or cassava, yams and kumaras also grow very well, as do different varieties of bananas. Copra, passionfruit and limes dominated exports in the 1970s, but in 2008 vanilla, noni and taro are Niue's main export crops. Coconut crab is also part of the food chain;it lives in the forest and coastal areas. The last agricultural census was in 1989. Tourism Tourism has been identified as one of the three priority economic sectors (the other two are Fisheries and Agriculture) for economic development in Niue. In 2006, estimated visitor expenditure reached $1.6 million making Tourism a major export industry for Niue. Niue will continue to receive direct support from the Government and overseas donor agencies. Air New Zealand is the sole airline serving Niue, flying to Niue once a week. It took over after Polynesian Airlines stopped flying in November 2005. There is currently a tourism development strategy to increase the number of rooms available to overseas tourists at a sustainable level. Niue is also trying to attract foreign investors to invest in the tourism industry of Niue by offering import and company tax concessions as incentives.

Niue Integrated Strategic Plan

Web Site
 - Niue Integrated Strategic Plan - Niue - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Niue Integrated Strategic Plan - Niue - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Niue Integrated Strategic Plan Oceania
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