Polynesian People

Polynesian People

The total population of the territory at the July 2008 census was 13,484 (68.4% on the island of Wallis, 31.6% on the island of Futuna), - down from 14,944 at the July 2003 census. 9 - The vast majority of the population are of Polynesian ethnicity, with a small minority of Metropolitan French descent and/or native-born whites of French descent. More than 16,000 Wallisians and Futunians live as expatriates in New Caledonia, which is more than the total population of Wallis and Futuna. The overwhelming majority of the people in Wallis and Futuna are Catholic.

Polynesian People

Web Site
 - Polynesian People - Wallis And Futuna - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Polynesian People - Wallis And Futuna - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Polynesian People Oceania
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