Prime Minister

Prime Minister

In 2002, New Zealand's prime ministerHelen Clark, on a trip to Samoa, formally apologised for New Zealand's role in these two incidents. 19 - 20 - In July 1997, the constitution was amended to change the country's name from Western Samoa to Samoa . 21 - The U.S. territory of American Samoa protested the move, asserting that the change diminished its own identity. American Samoans still use the terms Western Samoa and Western Samoans to describe the independent State of Samoa and its inhabitants. While the two Samoas share language and ethnicity, their cultures have recently followed different paths, with American Samoans often emigrating to Hawaiʻ i and the U.S. mainland, and adopting many U.S. customs, such as the playing of American football and baseball. Western Samoans have tended to emigrate instead to New Zealand, whose influence has made the sports of rugby and cricket more popular in the western islands. Travel writer Paul Theroux noted that there were marked differences between the societies in Samoa and American Samoa. Effective 7 September 2009, the government has changed the driving orientation for motorists and Samoans now drive on the left side of the road. This brings Samoa into line with many other countries in the region. Samoa is the first country in recent years, and the first country in the 21st century, to switch to driving on the left. 22 -

Prime Minister

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 - Prime Minister - Samoa - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Prime Minister - Samoa - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Prime Minister Oceania
Prime Minister 2024
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