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In 1917, the three traditional kingdoms were annexed to France and turned into the Colony of Wallis and Futuna, still under the authority of the Colony of New Caledonia. In 1959, the inhabitants of the islands voted to become a French overseas territory, effective in 1961, thus ending their subordination to New Caledonia. 6 - In 2005, the 50th king, Tomasi Kulimoetoke II, faced being deposed after giving sanctuary to his grandson who was convicted of manslaughter. The king claimed his grandson should be judged by tribal law rather than by the French penal system. There were riots in the streets involving the king's supporters, who were victorious over attempts to replace the king. Two years later, Tomasi Kulimoetoke died on 7 May 2007. The state was in a six-month period of mourning. During this period, mentioning a successor was forbidden. 7 - On 25 July 2008, Kapiliele Faupala was installed as king despite protests from some of the royal clans.

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Web Site
 - Wikipedia Citation Needed - Wallis And Futuna - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Wikipedia Citation Needed - Wallis And Futuna - Mobile Phones, Internet. Country Code
Wikipedia Citation Needed Oceania
Wikipedia Citation Needed 2024
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